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Monday, February 18, 2013

Double The Fun!

"Can I have a nappycake please" Donna said..."It's for twins" she said...Ooo tick tick tick went the sound of Mum's brain thinking up all kinds of wonderful new things she could do to make a "twins" nappycake. There were flashes of bunting, hints of huge tiers...then in the end she made these...

The parents receiving this gift hadn't wanted to find out what they were having until their babies were born, so we had a neutral colour pallette to play with. But not wanting to go with the traditional green/lemon, we chose a lilac and white palette which I think I prefer....looks cute doesn't it? 

So with a lilac colour palette chosen, making a matching card became really easy...

Right down to the little purpley butterflies, everything matches the cakes! 

How clever is Mum!?!

Little x

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Annya's 11!

For today's post I have 5 cards to share with you....Back at the start of the year (which feels like so long ago now), Allie gave us a great big long list of cards she'd like us to make! In fact the list is so long that no matter how many cards we make it just seems to keep increasing! So you're probably thinking there's a selection of the cards Allie's asked us to make in this post right? Nope, you'd be wrong! Today's post is all about Allie's youngest Daughter Annya.

Today is in fact Annya's 11th birthday...Happy Birthday Annya...Allie placed her order, and we followed with our usual there anything in particular you'd like on them?? Does she have a favourite colour?? When do you want them for etc. Our brief was Pink, girlie and Tatty favourite kind of cards! I do love a girlie Tatty Teddy, glitter, polka dots. ribbon, the list of pretty things is endless! Only problem is when you've made so many tatty cards it becomes increasingly difficult to come up with new ideas...let alone 5 different images and 5 different cards for the same person...but I've never been afraid of a challenge haha! So I gave it a go ....

First up there's tatty with the birthday cake....I threw everything girly into this card...ribbon, cupcakes, flowers, polka dots and to let you in on a little secret, tatty is supposed to be holding a blue (not very girlie) cupcake with sprinkles...but I preferred the pink flowery one, so I adapted it to make it even more girlie haha!

Then there's tatty with the presents...another "adapted" card...that tatty image is originally carrying something else in his basket...but as time goes on I'm getting better at adapting the images to make new ones that we haven't used before...perhaps I'm getting too clever haha!! 

followed by tatty with the birthday hugs ... Allie told us that one of Annya's favourite animals was a rabbit, so I couldn't resist using this tatty with her bunny!

Then there's Annya with her birthday badge and banner... I've created almost everything on this card...I made the backing paper...I hand stitched the letters on the bunting...I cut out the butterflies...I put the badge on tatty...all so that a special little girl gets a very special card from her Mummy.

And finally there's Tatty bring love from Nan...We'd actually made all of the other cards and delivered them to Allie safe in the knowledge that our work was done! Or so we thought, as when Allie's Mum saw the rest of her cards she wanted one too! So with lots more thought and a bit of "I need another tatty that's different again" I made this one! 

Hope you've had a lovely birthday Annya 

Little x

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tash-tanic Bears

 January 31st is my Dad's (Papa) birthday. Every year we face the same thing...what do we do! You see Papa's not really a big fan of much...he likes football, he has his own team but doesn't spend his weekends on the terraces....he likes American football, but he can't go to the games as he's not in America! (or so we thought)...he's not a big drinker...he doesn't play fact he's a pain in the posterior!

There's a few things he does like, but we've already made cards etc for most of them....our only option is to use the same things but in different ways...which is both difficult and takes a lot of thought! Thankfully though we're a creative bunch, so always manage to come up with something new...eventually!

This year was certainly no exception when it came to thinking of new ways of doing things....but for a big change I'm going to start the sharing off with Lady's project first. Lady made Papa a very pretty card...she had a pattern, but wasn't quite sure if it was the right "boat". From the instant she said "boat" I could her Papa's voice in my head saying "it's not a boat it's a ship"...I swear it's gotten to the point now where I call it a boat just to wind him up haha! After telling Lady it was in fact the right "boat", she made this...

Titanic! Ooo and if anyone was in any doubt, the instant I mentioned that Lady wasn't sure if it was Titanic, Crusty said "it is because it's got four funnels...the fourth one's fake"...Do you see how much our Papa's bored us with all his waffle hahaha!

So, that was Papa's favourite "boat" covered up Mum made a card using an image she found a long time ago. My Brother ( Gareth but we call him Vinnie) has always said our Papa looks like Mario from Super Mario! I have to admit it is sort of true...

Haha he even has Papa's grumpy face! This one was in fact made from Vinnie. When Vinnie took the card out of the envelope to write it, he giggled...that's when you've made a good card...if Vinnie approves then you've created something amazing! Ooo and the old man? Well, he is old! 

For Christmas Papa had lots of moustache cards & gifts that as far as we could tell, he loved! Soooo ....

Ta da! Another "tash" card it was! Only difference was this time he had boggley eyes too...not that we're saying Dad's got boggley eyes haha! 

Ooo and while we're on the subject of moustaches...

Papa even had his own little Moustache phone case! 

And then the last in the series of Papa's cards is mine...

Remember how I said Papa likes to watch American football? Well "his" team is the Chicago bears. I was randomly searching for an image for another project way back in September when I stumbled upon the little "dabears" man that I couldn't help thinking just like my Dad! So for months now I've known exactly what I was going to use...the only bit that changed was once I had the Grand Calibur I got to make lots of shapes that I didn't have to cut myself haha!

Woops...almost forgot Mum's card...

Tatty teddy footballer in Papa's teams colours! 

So there you have it...not one theme...but lots for a man that likes "nothing in particular" haha! 

Ooo and if anyone's wondering, Papa had an enjoyable work! But we did make up for it and treat him at the weekend!

Little x

Friday, February 15, 2013

Felt Friday - Flutterphones!

Remember how I told you I'd be sharing more of Mum's butterfly creations? Well, today those butterflies have been created in felt! 

As I previously mentioned, Mum and I were worried about buying the grand calibur machine and then never using it. We really needn't have worried though. Once we discovered just a fraction of what the machine can do, it was used for all sorts... as with any die cutting machine, you do have to purchase the dies too, but once you have those you're well on your way to making anything and everything using the grand calibur. All you need is a bit of imagination! 

On a visit to one of the recent craft shows I'd overheard people talking about using their Grand Calibur's for materials other than paper or card. I couldn't quite believe it would work, but having made a few cards using the butterfly dies, I was desperate to try using the machine on something new...I knew it could be done, but wasn't sure how. So I consulted my usual "how to" guide - Google! Yep, I'm a firm believer in "if you don't know the answer- google it"!

I'll admit once I knew how, it was a lot easier than I'd expected. It also didn't take long for Mum to come up with some ideas...starting with this...

Mum had made felt phone cases before, but this was the first ones she'd made using pre-cut felt shapes...check out those butterflies! Every one the right size, and every one with a clear crisp finish...add a few beads here and there and hey presto you have your phone case...simple when you have the tools and know how haha! 

And as usual with Mum, after making one, there's no stopping her...

Butterflies and flowers, both of which of course cut using the grand calibur. The only problem is the Calibur doesn't stitch it all together for you haha! Nope, that's all still done by hand - and if you ask Mum she'll tell you they're stitched by hands that hurt!!

With more ideas in the pipeline, I'm sure you'll be seeing a heck of a lot more of the uses we've found for the Grand Calibur! Ooo and if any of our fellow crafters are searching for the same answer that I did. To cut felt or fabric in a Grand Calibur machine, you cut it exactly the same way as paper/card, using the same plates...I'd just advise running it through a few extra times to ensure it definitely cuts...simple!

Little x  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

All a Flutter!

For my birthday (just before Christmas) I had a very special present. I've reached that age now where I have everything I physically need. I don't grow (ever) so don't need bigger clothes or shoes. So it seems that my birthday causes a lot of people headaches with what to buy me haha! Like I said though, I got a very special gift for my last one...a grand calibur! (and for all the non crafters out there, that's a machine that cuts things for you!). The machine is so expensive. We'd been looking at it for a while but just couldn't justify spending so much money on something we may never use...Now I have it though I can honestly say it's the best crafty thing we've EVER brought. It's been constantly used since the day I took it out of the box, so much so that it already looks like it's about 3 years old ...woops!

Having the grand calibur means we can now create even better cards with even more intricate detailing without the need to cut yourself with a craft knife (by the way that seriously hurts!).  So when we were recently asked to create some card by people who were unsure of what they wanted, Mum decided to use my Calibur and made these...

Having found the image of tatty with the butterfly on his top, she matched it with the paper and then used the grand calibur to create the ever so pretty butterflies to give it that "extra" touch...

As you can see, you have the ability to add the shape of the butterfly and then add the "fiddly" cut butterfly layered on top! How pretty is that!

With one card made, Mum then went on to make another. This time for an older lady, so less cute and more tradition...

Mum's used the butterflies as more of a feature on this card...and then ...

Added Alma's name to the inside of the butterfly too! 

There's so much more I can show you that Mum's made with these butterflies...but I'll save that for another day!

Little x 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Just A Note...

Every year as part of the "birthday law" list I buy certain presents...what's on the list?? 

Well it generally goes a little something like this...

1. Sock (what birthday is complete without new socks)
2. Chocolates/sweeties (obviously!!)
3. Bath products (well I don't want you to smell)
4. A notebook (for all those important things you need to do/buy)

Over the years this has gone on to include certain things for certain people too...for instance I have to buy my friend Suzanne an umbrella...if I don't buy it then it will rain on her birthday...if I buy her a new one then it's sunny!! This law also dictates that Lady has to have something to do with chickens on her birthday (really, don't ask!!).

So when Christmas came around I looked at the list of laws and saw an opportunity...I can't knit socks...I can't make chocolates (I'd eat them all) I can't make bath products (I'd probably give everyone a rash)...BUT I can make personalised notebooks!...

I have to admit, I chose the image...I chose the paper...I added it all together along with her name and made it look pretty...BUT there was no way I was covering it myself (I'd be far too likely to mess it up) Mum did that bit for me haha!!

I was ever so proud of that little notebook that if I hadn't put her name on it I'd have been keeping it for myself!!

Thankfully though I had a lovely surprise on Christmas day when I opened this...

Mum obviously knew how much I'd loved it and made me my own!!

Love you Mum 

Little x 

Monday, February 11, 2013

50th Pamper

Ooo how I wish I was ...haha nope I really don't wish I was 50!! But then again if I got one of these pampercakes, then maybe 50 wouldn't be quite so bad haha

Way back before Christmas we were asked to make this pamper cake for Bryony's Mum. Apparently she'd seen all the cakes we'd been making for other people and loved them so Bryony thought it would be nice to buy her one of her own. 

With this cake we'd seen a new range of bath products that we were hoping to use, so when Bryony gave us a brief of purple it gave us the perfect excuse to use them! 

Hope she loved her cake Bryony! 

Little x 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

December Birthday

I've already shared with you how frustrating I find it that my birthday is in December, but thankfully I'm not alone! 

Nope, one of Mum's oldest (and by oldest I don't mean age) friends also has her birthday in December! Plus she finds it just as frustrating as I do haha! Donna celebrated her birthday back on the 29th December and just like with my birthday, her family had to arrange the celebrations for a time away from the hustle and bustle of Christmas! It really is a pain...but then I guess it sort of works out so you have more than one birthday!! More than one birthday, but only one set of cards haha!

Talking of which, we were kindly asked by Donna's Daughters and Husband to make her birthday cards...

I'm always using Tatty teddy when it comes to Donna's sets of birthday cards for other people so I thought this year it would make a nice change to use a different character...I chose Tulip as some of the images seemed quite appropriate for Donna and her girls.

Donna's a cake baker so when I saw this image I could picture this being one of the scenes in her house...Donna baking cakes with one of her Daughters...

...then showing off the cake they made!!...

Followed by Donna relaxing and de-stressing in the tub after her long day of cake baking!! Well that's how I picture things anyway...not sure if they do really work out like that haha!

When it came to making the card from Donna's Husband, Mum knew exactly what she wanted to do...

Less cake and more love!! 

Hope you loved these cards Donna

Little x 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ooo What I'd Give...

To be 21 again haha!! You can't blame me for wishing can you? Much like all the "big" aged birthdays, I've always found a 21st birthday difficult to buy for. There's always a limited selection of cards to choose from...the gifts are all predictable and you're lucky if you don't buy the same thing as someone else. Thankfully as crafters I no longer have that problem!! Nope, now we get to make all kinds of different things for the "momentous" birthdays. The most popular gift at the moment seems to be the can make them personal to the recipient by using their favourite things...

This one for instance is all "pinked" out! We even managed to get the chocolate to be pink too haha! Plus with pink being the theme of the gift, it made it easier to decide what to do for the card...

Even more pink...only this time with different colours!! 

Best of all though is that no-one will have brought them the same gift or card!!

Little x

Friday, February 8, 2013

Felt Friday Returns!

As I told you yesterday, we're back posting with a vengeance! Plus, not only that but we're also bringing back Felt Friday!! Starting today I shall be sharing just a few of the things Mum's been making out of felt...For months now she's been stitching this and that by hand, but for Christmas my Dad was kind enough to buy her a sewing machine! What's she been stitching with it I hear you ask? Well actually as of now it's still sitting in it's box!! Yes, that's the box!! For month's she'd been planning what she'd do with the thing, yet now she's got it she's not used it haha!! I should probably tell you she's a bit scared of breaking it...she needs time to be able to sit and play and figure it all out...time that right now, none of us until she gets that time she's still stitching everything by hand. 

What has she been stitching?? Well, anyone remember Barry? (Barry was the little penguin phone case Mum made). Barry now has friends!!....

Isn't it cute!! I haven't named the little monkey as this one's not mine. Having seen Barry, Mum was asked to make other animals/versions of the phone cases. She's been stitching away at quite a few different designs...all of which I'd love to share with you...BUT...Mum forgot to take photographs of them before giving them away (woops). Monkey was actually the first one she finally remembered to photograph, so Monkey is what I get to show you haha!! 

Ooo and seeing as a very special Lady likes a monkey, and loves pink...Mum instantly had to make another version...

I'm not quite sure which I prefer...perhaps I should have kept them both haha!! 

Little x 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings

Today's the 7th of Feb and it's the first post of 2103! Ooo how I've been slacking in keeping things up-to-date. So time for a change me thinks!! As of today we are back with a vengeance. In fact as the days go on and these posts become more regular you'll probably be sick of the sight of our creations haha! For now though we have some catching up to do...

Way back in 2012 (how long ago does that already seem!) we were asked to create a new home gift for someone who had a bit of an obsession with cleaning...nope, definitely not me haha!! As always, the way we work is to speak to our customers to gain an overview of what they'd up we ask them to set us a budget...we come up with a few a bit of shopping...and then Voila! We come up with things like this...

A bucket load of cleaning products (quite literally!) Once we have an idea, we always find it easiest to set a colour scheme and then find things that fit within it. With this bucket we chose purple, which was then made easier when we discovered a whole cleaning range (scourers, cloths, brushes) was available in purple. 

One thing you might not be able to see is the "hidden gift". You see, we thought that the recipient of this gift would be worn out after all that cleaning, so we hid a bottle of wine in there too! That way once their new home is clean and sparkley they can relax with a glass of wine and toast their new beginning in their new home. Either that or drink away the memories of all that cleaning haha!

Ooo and what new home is complete without one of our cards!

With the purple theme set with the gift and the "hidden" bottle of wine, Mum knew exactly what she wanted to do with this card. Don't you think it matches well? 

It really is good to be back
Little x