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Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Bloomin Tiara!!

Ever since Lady discovered that we would be in Birmingham on her birthday, she's been talking about "needing" a tiara...or as she called it...a ta-ra-ra!! She kept telling everyone that she was getting a ta-ra-ra for her birthday!!The only problem was, way back when I asked her if she really wanted one, she'd said I did as she wanted and didn't get her a bloomin ta-ra-ra!!!

Or so she thought!!!... Yesterday though (and I hope this is true) over morning birthday coffee we finally gave her her bloomin birthday ta-ra-ra!!! Along with a couple of other things....

Yep, as her name is Lady...and it's her birthday, I made her this "birthday Lady" badge...I really hope it's put a smile on her face and got lots of attention from everyone at the craft show...I say hope, because I'm currently typing this sat in my kitchen at 10.12pm on Thursday night, but I'll schedule this post for Saturday morning!! So in all honesty right now, I have no idea if she even wore her badge...but she better have worn the bloomin ta-ra-ra!!!

The final thing Lady got for breakfast on her birthday was this ...

Ooo yes that really is a "chicken" if you have any knowledge of what Lady is like, then you'll know she won't be calling it a "chicken"!!!!

I can hear her now...sitting on the train saying "that man's staring at my "chicken"!!!

Hope you enjoyed your "chicken" Lady!! and your bloomin ta-ra-ra!!

Little x

1 comment:

  1. Well little !!! What can i say . I had the most amazing Birthday . I loved my Ta-ra-ra and my badge and really really loved my "rooster". thank you soooo much for everything and mom and crusty too

    Lady xxxx
